Assignees |
Github Assignees.
Blob |
Github Git blob.
Blobs |
Github Git Data Blobs.
Branch |
Git branch.
Branches |
Git branches.
Collaborators |
Github repository collaborators.
Collaborators.Permission |
Permission levels a user can be granted in an organization repository.
Comment |
Github issue comment.
Comments |
Github comments.
Commit |
Github commit.
Commits |
Github Git Data Commits.
CommitsComparison |
Commits comparison.
Content |
Github content.
Contents |
Github contents.
Coordinates |
Repository coordinates.
DeployKey |
Github deploy key.
DeployKeys |
Github deploy keys.
Event |
Github event.
FileChange |
File change.
FileChange.Status |
Fork |
Github fork.
Forks |
Github forks.
Gist |
Github gist.
GistComment |
Gist comment.
GistComments |
Gist Comments.
Gists |
Github gists.
Git |
Github Git.
Github |
Github client, starting point to the entire library.
Github.Time |
Time in Github JSON.
GitHubThread |
Represents a GitHub notifications thread.
Gitignores |
Github Gitignore.
Hook |
Github hook.
Hooks |
Github hooks.
Issue |
Github issue.
IssueEvents |
Github issue events.
IssueLabels |
Github labels of an issue.
Issues |
Github issues.
Issues.Qualifier |
Issues.Sort |
JsonPatchable |
JSON patchable.
JsonReadable |
JSON readable.
Label |
Github label.
Labels |
Github labels.
Language |
Github repository language.
Limit |
Github Rate Limit API, one resource limit.
Limits |
Github Rate Limit API.
Markdown |
Markdown API.
MergeState |
Milestone |
Github Milestone.
Milestones |
Github Milestones.
Notification |
Github Notification.
Notifications |
Github Notifications API.
Organization |
Github organization.
Organizations |
Github organizations.
PublicKey |
Github public key.
PublicKeys |
Github public keys.
PublicMembers |
Public members of a GitHub organization.
Pull |
Github pull request.
PullComment |
Github pull comment.
PullComments |
Github pull comments.
PullRef |
GitHub pull request ref.
Pulls |
Github pull requests.
Reaction |
Reaction for issue / comment.
Reference |
Github Git Data Reference.
References |
Github Git Data References.
Release |
Github release.
ReleaseAsset |
Github release asset.
ReleaseAssets |
Github release assets.
Releases |
Github Releases.
Repo |
Github repository.
RepoCommit |
Github repo commit.
RepoCommits |
Commits of a Github repository.
Repos |
Github Repo API.
Repos.RepoCreate |
Settings to use when creating a new GitHub repository.
RtValuePagination.Mapping |
Mapping from JsonValue successor to the destination type.
Search |
Github search.
Search.Order |
Search.Qualifier |
Stars |
Github starring API.
Status |
GitHub commit status.
Status.State |
States of Status API.
Statuses |
Github status.
Statuses.StatusCreate |
Data to use when creating a new GitHub commit status.
StringEnum |
An enum whose values correspond to unique strings.
Tag |
Github Git Data Tag.
Tags |
Github Git Data Tags.
ThreadSubscription |
Encapsulates data from the response for get/set subscription calls to
GitHub Notification API.
Tree |
Github tree.
Trees |
Github Git Data Trees.
User |
Github user.
UserEmails |
Github user's emails.
UserOrganizations |
Organizations of a Github user.
Users |
Github users.