Uses of Interface
Packages that use User Package Description com.jcabi.github Object Oriented Github Mock Github server. -
Uses of User in com.jcabi.github
Classes in com.jcabi.github that implement User Modifier and Type Class Description static class
Smart user with extra features.Methods in com.jcabi.github that return User Modifier and Type Method Description User
Users. add(String login)
Add user by login and returns it.User
Issue.Smart. assignee()
Get its assignee.User
Comment.Smart. author()
Get its author.User
Event.Smart. author()
Get its author.User
GistComment.Smart. author()
Get its author.User
Issue.Smart. author()
Get its author.User
Pull.Smart. author()
Get its author.User
Milestone.Smart. creator()
Get its creator.User
Status.Smart. creator()
Get its creator.User
Users. get(String login)
Get user by login.User
Users. self()
Get myself.User
PublicKey.Smart. user()
PublicKey. user()
User we're in.User
PublicKeys. user()
User we're in.User
PullRef.Smart. user()
Gets the user who owns the repository which its commit is in.User
UserOrganizations. user()
Get its owner.Methods in com.jcabi.github that return types with arguments of type User Modifier and Type Method Description Iterable<User>
Assignees. iterate()
Iterate all available assignees.Iterable<User>
Collaborators. iterate()
Iterates over repo collaborators.Iterable<User>
PublicMembers. iterate()
Get all users who are public members of this organization.Iterable<User>
RtPublicMembers. iterate()
Users. iterate(String identifier)
Iterate all users, starting with the one you've seen already.Iterable<User>
Search. users(String keywords, String sort, Search.Order order)
Search users.Methods in com.jcabi.github with parameters of type User Modifier and Type Method Description void
PublicMembers. conceal(User user)
Conceal a user's membership from public view.void
RtPublicMembers. conceal(User user)
PublicMembers. contains(User user)
Check whether the user is a public member of this organization.boolean
RtPublicMembers. contains(User user)
PublicMembers. publicize(User user)
Make a user's membership publicly visible.void
RtPublicMembers. publicize(User user)
Constructors in com.jcabi.github with parameters of type User Constructor Description Smart(User usr)
Public ctor. -
Uses of User in com.jcabi.github.mock
Methods in com.jcabi.github.mock that return types with arguments of type User Modifier and Type Method Description Iterable<User>
MkPublicMembers. iterate()
Methods in com.jcabi.github.mock with parameters of type User Modifier and Type Method Description void
MkOrganization. addMember(User user)
Add the given user to this organization.void
MkPublicMembers. conceal(User user)
MkPublicMembers. contains(User user)
MkPublicMembers. publicize(User user)